كورسات يوديمي مجانية ... سارع بالحصول عليها

 كورسات يوديمي مجانية ... سارع بالحصول عليها

كورسات يوديمي مجانية

Introduction To Python Programming

Do you want to become a programmer?

Or is it that Python interests you?

If you need a quick brush-up, or learning Python for the first time, you've come to the right place!

Let's get started learning one of the most easiest coding languages out there right now. There's no need to fret if you haven't coded before. By the time you finish this course, you'll be a pro at Python!

Python is a great and friendly language to use and learn. It fun, and can be adapted to both small and large projects. Python will cut your development time greatly and overall, its much faster to write Python than other languages. This course will be a quick way to understand all the major concepts of Python programming. You'll be a whiz in no time.

This course is a one-stop-shop for everything you'll need to know to get started with Python, along with a few incentives. We'll begin with the basics of Python, learning about strings, variables, and getting to know the data types. We'll soon move on to the loops and conditions in Python. Afterwards, we'll discuss a bit of file manipulation and functions. By then, you'll know all the basics of Python.

I hope you're excited to dive into the World of Python with this course. Well, what are you waiting for? Let's get started!

Become an Android Developer from Scratch

Do you want to build applications for the most popular operating system in the world?

Do you want the opportunity to put your apps on over 1 billion devices?

"Become An Android Developer From Scratch” is designed to be the best first step to launching your career as an Android Developer. Whether you've never programmed before or are coming to mobile development for the first time, if you're truly inspired to learn Android Development, this is where you need to start.

This course has been in development for over two years, continuously perfected through research and testing in training bootcamps throughout the US. It represents a collaboration between a professional educator with over 20 years of experience in helping people learn and a professional mobile developer who has helped companies like Sony, Verizon, and nVidia build stunning mobile applications.

Starting with how the Java programming language works and progressing all the way to advanced Android concepts, you will get expertly produced instruction, visually descriptive explanations of deep concepts, screencasts that talk you through not just the “how” but also the “why,” and code challenges to test yourself and mark your progress.

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